Bugsey’s Bugsurdities…UNFAIR,UNBALANCED BUT TRUE! (so get used to it!)

Father Grevy,Voltaire and Malu Fernandez
August 30, 2007, 1:20 pm
Filed under: asshole, blogging communities, fr grevy, humor, idiocy, inspirational

Malu Fernandez is a lifestyle writer who wanted to simply make a point about “the right scent” and the “right people”. A lifestyle writer is a “social writer” — thus, part of Malu’s job is to find out the latest “who’s who” in the social registrar.Fernandez also tried to come up with something “witty”, but she found blog notoriety instead.

Part of what she wrote is this :

However I forgot that the hub was in Dubai and the majority of the OFWs (overseas Filipino workers) were stationed there. The duty-free shop was overrun with Filipino workers selling cell phones and perfume. Meanwhile, I wanted to slash my wrist at the thought of being trapped in a plane with all of them.

While I was on the plane (where the seats were so small I had bruises on my legs), my only consolation was the entertainment on the small flat screen in front of me. But it was busted, so I heaved a sigh, popped my sleeping pills and dozed off to the sounds of gum chewing and endless yelling of “HOY! Kumusta ka na? At taga sann ka? Domestic helper ka rin ba?” Translation: “Hey there? Where are you from? Are you a domestic helper as well?” I though I had died and God had sent me to my very own private hell.

On my way back, I had to bravely take the economy flight once more. This time I had already resigned myself to being trapped like a sardine in a sardine can with all these OFWs smelling of AXE and Charlie cologne while Jo Malone evaporated into thin air.

All in all, it’s been a pretty good summer. Jetting from the Aegean Sea to the Pacific may sound a bit pretentious until you wake up in economy class smelling like air freshener.

And no one thought it was a joke. In my mind, the “joke” was on those who were so angered by her article to the point of making her famous. What a way to GET BACK at those who literally believed that ANYONE would “slash their wrists” all because one doesn’t like your seat mate. There must be something utterly defective in our English lessons that make us NOT understand what is hyperbole.

It wasn’t really that she wanted to degrade Filipino domestic helpers. She was making the point that they are everywhere, and that everyone on the economy presumed that she was one of them. What she is saying is simply – “not ALL Filipinos on the plane is a Filipino domestic helper, because there are professional Filipinos too”. Hers was more of a point against the Philippine government exporting slaves and making the Philippines a “nation known for the mega-domestic helper” MORE than a nation of scientists, teachers and medical professionals.

It didn’t sound nice. Not that she probably wanted to sound sweet, maybe she was pissed.For all we know she made it a point to write like a dumb “social elitist” because she wanted to make a point against them and the policies which divide Philippine society into “haves” and “have nots” and “poor” and “dirt poor”.

Whatever her motives, noble or ignoble, isn’t it funny how there seems to be a mob-blog mentality which seems to say : ” I AGREE THERE SHOULD BE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS AND LONG AS IT PLEASES ME.” Heck there was even this PRIEST with a strange handle of Father Gravy (reminded me of roasted turkey with cranberry) who went on a cybe rage rampage “in all caps”.He was hilarious and made more of a fool of himself than everyone else. If there is ANy reason why anyone should NOT be a Catholic, one has only to figure out the logic of this Grevy priest.

grevy525 wrote on Aug 27, edited on Aug 27
While she already resigned and apologized, let us hope that she is sincere and that her ordeal will serve as a warning to irresponsible journalists. There is one thing though that I am not comfortable with from among the hate blogs against her that I have read— they called her a pig, among other invectives. In so doing they (hate bloggers) might (just might) have proved some of her consternation …..

grevy525 said

I replied 🙂

“Is there something wrong with your keyboard? ohhh.. a shouting priest! 🙂 Such meekness is admirable and.. Brutus was an honorable man:) oh yes, you berated her for being an irresposible journalist adding that you hope she learned her lesson by her ordeal.. gee, i am so glad you are not God”

“The pig thingy, I agree with you, also hurt me a bit because i am also fat. Are you fat too by the way?”

Actually, Father Grevy is fat and unmerciful. He has no idea what the First Amendment is(and where his asshole is?) and has his own eerie definition of freedom of the press. He thinks that Malu is a prime example of an “irresponsible journalist” for trying to use hyperbole. Yet, the same Father Grevy is so upset that his anger drips like oozing gravy which makes him pound his keyboard with the gusto of a rabid retard who declares that “the First Amendment does not apply to the Philippines’. Actually, if he wasn’t so stupid, I could have told him more than “the bill of rights of the Philippine Constitution includes freedom of the press”. But he just had to be stupid. Now Malu was TRYING to write stupid and she got the flak. Fr. Grevy wanted so much to sound intelligent that he ultimately sounded stupid.

Heck, I love Malu Fernandez~! She has a knack for getting THE REACTION and if we were to measure a writer’s worth, I would think it is by the way the readership reacts. And they did REACT! Malu Fernandez also exposed how some pretentious and onion-skinned some people are. Most of All, how dumb they can be and how BIG and SERIOUS they think of themselves.

Hyperbole! dang.. that was why Forrest Gump was really SMART, his whole was a hyperbole! And that is why the Fr Grevy’s of this world remain cold boring and DUMB!